30 апр 2023 LADY METAL :

Initiate - Cerebral Circus (2023)

Вокал: Crystal Pak
Страна: USA
(Southern California)
Стиль: Hardcore Punk
С 2016 по н в
Crystal Pak - Vocals
Alec Riley - Guitars
Jack McTomney - Guitars
Michael Morales - Bass
Danny Paul - Drums

Initiate - Cerebral Circus (2023)

1. Waste Your Life
2. Alone at the Bottom
3. Fool
4. Amend
5. Interlude
6. Fire Starter
7. Your Own Means
8. The Surface
9. No Burden Of Guilt
10. Transparency

Initiate - Alone at the Bottom (Official Video)

Сообщество: LADY METAL
Канал: Metal

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Тема: Светлая | Тёмная
Версия: Mobile | Lite | Touch | Доступно в Google Play