Комментарии (1)

6. The Wounded and the Dying 06:35 Hide lyrics
Endless fields
Of hurt and misery
All way to the horizon
As far as eyes can see
The rotting smell
Of the wounded and the dying
The agonizing screams
And painful crying

Sinister visions
Of death and decay
Imprinted in the mind
Will never fade away
Filthy tactics
Of the battlefield
This defamation
Can't be concealed

Endless fields
Of hurt and misery
All way to the horizon
As far as eyes can see
The rotting smell
Of the wounded and the dying
The agonizing screams
And painful crying

Sinister visions
Of death and decay
Imprinted in the mind
Will never fade away
Filthy tactics
Of the battlefield
This defamation
Can't be concealed

Wartime heroes live on to tell the tale
Those who died cannot do the same
Those wounded embraced by shame
Left to rot by a government that fails

Boxed up
And shipped home
In the afterlife
They will roam
Missing limbs
Phantom pain
Personal pride
Completely slain
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Версия: Mobile | Lite | Touch | Доступно в Google Play
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