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4. Onto This Silvery Path 07:15 Hide lyrics
Sleep now, put aside the heavy burden you ought to carry
and embrace a new faith.
Don't hurry, wait here for the first call of the nightingale
and let it guide you onto this silvery path.
Sleep now...

On tattered wings, with cruel eyes.
A pitch-black heart, as cold as ice.
This time the ghouls come out to play,
to rip my flesh and solace away.
No escape, no place to hide.
No waking up at gods first light.
I wish for death, for soft relief.
I cry for mercy, past all belief.
There is no hope!

Rest now, pass away, while ravens guard your vulnerable soul.
It's not worth to build on things that used to" be.
Angels never fly among abandoned skies.
Let them guide you onto this silvery path.
Rest now...
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