Комментарии (1)

Endless are these crevasses, which are sharing the darkness with you
Unmerciful are the pale hands of grief that are holding you in their grip
Rust coloured are the drops of blood on those writhing faces around you
Shrinking back and disappearing again into the depths
From the cradle to the twilight you have languished in this web of misery
And your ragged wings cannot carry you away anymore
Black marble portals everywhere, leading forever to the starting point
Eternal escaping increases the horror, driving you to the gates of insanity
Reaching for the heavens your hands are wandering about searching for a grip
With your nails bleeding you find your efforts to climb away futile
Laughing mockingly the madness shows new false possibilities
Twisting your senses and increasing your hope of the salvation that will never come
Trapped you are eternally in that hell of your own
And that hell of yours is the art of my mind.
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