
Catherine (2004-2009)
Catherine – это металкор-группа из Сакраменто (столицы Калифорнии, США). Они подписаны на Rise
Beneath The Sky
melodic metalcore, death metal, deathcore
Dead Man In Reno
melodic metalcore, metalcore, deathcore
Across Five Aprils
post-hardcore, metalcore, hardcore
Gwen Stacy
post-hardcore, metalcore, christian
Here I Come Falling
post-hardcore, christian, metalcore
My Hero Is Me
post-hardcore, metalcore, hardcore
Bless The Fallen
Melodic Death Metal, Progressive metal, metalcore
We Were Gentlemen
metalcore, grindcore, deathcore
The Burning Season
melodic metalcore, post-hardcore, metalcore
This is the Hospital
post-hardcore, metalcore, hardcore
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