
Daniel N. - All instruments (Eye of Solitude, God Eat God)
Tranqvillitas Maris
melodic doom metal, funeral doom metal, funeral doom
Imber Luminis
atmospheric black metal, depressive black metal, atmospheric doom metal
Suffer Yourself
funeral doom metal, Death Doom Metal, dark ambient
funeral doom metal, black metal, doom metal
Shades of Deep Water
funeral doom metal, funeral doom, doom metal
Longa Morte
funeral doom metal, funeral doom-metal, funeral doom
funeral doom metal, symphonic doom, funeral doom
funeral doom, death metal, doom metal
God Eat God
funeral doom metal, Death Doom Metal, funeral doom
Beneath The Storm
sludge metal, funeral doom, doom metal
Trails Of Sorrow
melancholic doom metal, mournful doom metal, funeral doom metal
Aphonic Threnody
funeral doom metal, Death Doom Metal, funeral doom
Abysmal Growls of Despair
funeral doom metal, funeral doom, drone doom
In Lacrimaes Et Dolor
atmospheric doom metal, funeral doom metal, funeral doom
Woe Unto Me
funeral doom metal, doom metal, seen live
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