Dying Gorgeous Lies

Dying Gorgeous Lies - The Hunter And The Prey (2019)
Вокал: Liz Gor Geous
Страна: Германия
(Kulmbach, Bavaria)
Стиль: Thrash Metal
С 2009 по н в
Sascha Schulze - Bass
Stephan Straubinger - Drums
Bernd Stübinger - Guitars
Marcel Völkel - Guitars
Liz Gor Geous - Vocals
Jay`na D. - Keyboards
1. From the Ashes / Hellfire
2. We Are the Apocalypse
3. Revolution Day
4. ...And as the Bombs Fell
5. Fatal Craving
6. New World Order
7. Ancient Tales
8. Beast Mode
9. Greetings from Aleppo
10. Sweet Taste of Lies

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Тема: Светлая | Тёмная
Версия: Mobile | Lite | Touch | Доступно в Google Play