IBE File Manager v1.3

IBE File Manager includes many advanced features,
- Supports QVGA, VGA resolution, landscape, square and portrait modes.
-Tree view, split view, detailed view, folder view, etc.
-File attributes and folder attributes modifications;
-ZIP file Compress/Decompress;
-Drag and drop (Move/Copy(Ctrl+)/Shortcut;
-(Alt+) /Context-menu (Shift+));
-File operation by the folder tree;
-Context-menu express key strokes as an Alt+ tap and tap-and-hold, perfect for keyboard-enabled Pocket PCs and Smartphones;
-Network folder display support;
-Memory card automatic detection;
-File search, file Association;
-Extremely FAST!

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Тема: Светлая | Тёмная
Версия: Mobile | Lite | Touch | Доступно в Google Play