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what makes a man, is it the power in his hands? ** is it his quest for glory? ** Give it all you’ve got, to fight to the top. ** so we can know your story. ** now you’re a man, a man, man, man. ** now you’re a man, a manly, manly man. ** a man, man, man. ** you are now a man, you’re a man. ** now you’re a man. ** [Guitar solo.] ** LIVE IT, LIVE IT! ** what makes a man, is it the woman in his arms? ** just cause she has big titties? ** or is it the way, he fights every day? ** No, it’s probably the titties. ** now you’re a man, a man, man, man. ** now you’re a ma-man, a ma-ma-ma-ma-man ** now you’re a man, M-A-N man, man. ** man, man, maan. ** now you’re a man. ** [Music slowly fading.]
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